Cheer Up, Friends! :)

In the Blink of An Eye
Monday, September 22 | 4 response(s)

(left,top-right,bottom : Wilda, Dita, Diny, Intan, Ayu, Putri, Felix, AlifSyafira, Kak Naya, *skip*, Ismi, Rara, Stella)
With Mr. Tony yeay! But... aren't full team :")
Good night, Everyone! Still wake up, huh?
Ok then, I'd like to share something precious today ;).

My friend and I have joined in LIA since we were a freshman in our senior high school. We picked Sunday as our english course day. Then, we got 302 room, and yeah.. I felt like.. "it's okay no prob," there.

After spent our time in 302 for a year, we transfered to 301. Great, huh. Absolutely we made it likes 'a worst-nightmare' and grumbled all the time. Then, the new semester had came. I hoped that we could back to our lovable-old class. But, in reality, something worst was happened. Do you want to know it? ((NOO!!)) Okay then, Bye world. *turning off the laptop*
Skip it yeah.

Okay, then, back to the story. We got something that worse than stayed in our new class.
We transfered again.
Transfered. Again.
//transfered//. AGAIN!
... Someone.. Stopped it please, I thought.

So, from then, we transfered to 304. In force, of course. To be honest, I gave bad first impression to this class. What I thought back then was like..
"Oh.. This place have some.. yeah.. something-that-I-don't-like atmosphere,"
"Why they're so individualistist?"
"I want to go back to my old class,"
Yeah, something like that.  I felt that I was suffering 302-sick at that time. Haha. Silly me.

Time flies, people change.
I think this phrase is really exist.
For a years, I always get myself there. My perception about that class slowly changed. My bad-thoughts about that class was scrapped as the time flies. And finally, I made myself as the member of 304. Yeah.
I realize that my first thought about this class is absulotely wrong, absurd, abstrak, not important, egoist, et cetera.

I think there isn't any uncomfortable atmosphere since we had the rehearsal-presentation time. At that time, I felt that all of us were more open-minded to the others. Was it because we got same responsibility? I don't know it for sure.
Then, All of them are not individualistic at all. Some of them are loud, and the other ones are calm. But, still, all of them are lovable xixixi <3. And of course, they're friendly :).
If they doesn't respect their friends, they will not be so cooperative today.
If they doesn't want to socialize with the others, we will not take some pictures with full-members today.
If they doesn't care their friends, I will not feel that I will miss you guys sooo muchh. :""")
Haha. I think that I'm the one who was individulist at the first time. Sorry guys :").

Okay then, from now on, I don't know what will happen to us, the 304's members. We will be separated by our activities and times. But, I hope we can graduate from this level, focus to what we want to be, and get meaningful life :). If I make mistakes to you all, please pardon me. Ah! And also to our homeroom teacher, Mr. Partana or well known as Mr. Tony/Toni/??. Thank you for your guide and patience then :). I'm sooo gladd to know you all, guys :""). Crap, I'm crying hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Okay then, See you later guys! I hope we will meet again someday, when we all are a succesful person. A person that will be needed in every part of the world. Aamiin.
The times that we through together, I will treasure and cherish it. Thank you.

The Fourteen
Halo. Gue adalah seorang anak yang dapat berubah menjadi 14 karakter yang berbeda-beda. Gue adalah anak baru yang cantik dan so-british di ruang 304. Mungkin gue terlihat pendiem, tapi sebenernya sih gue cukup bawel, apalagi kalo udah ketawa wuih menggelegar lah coy. Kadang-kadang juga suka jbjb ke anak-anak LIA lainnya, tapi kata mereka sih asik-asik aja wkwk. Terus, gue juga suka nanya-nanya gitu ke Mr.Toni, entah karena bener-bener gak paham atau untuk mastiin sesuatu aja. Secara lah ya kan mahasiswa dan yang tertua juga, ngambil IPS lagi kan, jadi ya pastinya pinter untuk debat dan mempertahankan argumen gue. Tapi karena itu juga, gue jadi suka feel so sleepy gitu deh sampe Mr.Toni bilang kalo gue selalu terlihat ngantuk wkwk. Yah gak dimasukin ke hati sih karena gue orangnya emang cuek sampe-sampe H-seminggu PPT belom jadi juga, tapi jangan remehin kemampuan bahasa inggris gue! Udah biasa gue yang suaranya lembut ini jadi bahan becandaan Mr.Toni, semenjak gue bilang dia agak annoying wkwk. Gue orangnya emang suka nyeletuk dan seenak jidat kalo ngomong, tapi gini-gini gue gampang baur loh. Oh ya, gue suka banget sama korea-koreaan, sampe pernah nonton konser dan beli albumnya, tapi malah anyut dibawa banjir :(. Untung gue gak gila korea doang, gue juga suka jepang-jepangan, kayak manga-manga gitu juga deh. Tapi gue gak mager kok, gue malah suka banget gerakin anggota tubuh gue ampe pas hari presentasi gue nyandung kabel proyektor atau gue tendang kursinya dan ngebuat posisi slide berubah-ubah. Gue juga rajin kok izin buat ke kamar mandi, mungkin nurunin temen lia gue yang ga lanjut kali ya?
Oke. Itu sekilas tentang ke-14 karakter dalam diri gue. Semua karakter itu punya kelebihan dan kekurangan, dan gue suka semua bagian dari mereka :).

Stranger. Special. Stratch.